To request bereavement support for a child or young person please complete the form below.
A member of staff will contact you within 48 hours (working days Monday to Friday) to discuss what support SeeSaw may be able to offer.
Do you have permission to request support for this family? Yes, I have parental responsibility
Your name
Your address
Your telephone number
Your email address
Your relationship to the child/children
Please tell us who is ill / Who has died
Please tell us the nature of their illness/cause of death
Please tell us their date of death (if applicable)
What is their relationship to the child/ren?
Child's first name
Child's surname
Child's date of birth
Child's gender Prefer not to sayMaleFemaleNon-binary
Ethnicity of Child Prefer not to sayWhite: BritishWhite: IrishWhite: any other white backgroundMixed white and black CaribbeanMixed white and black AfricanMixed white and AsianMixed: any other mixed backgroundAsian or Asian British: IndianAsian or Asian British: PakistaniAsian or Asian British: BangladeshiAsian or Asian British: Any otherBlack or Black British: CaribbeanBlack or Black British: AfricanBlack or Black British: Any otherOther ethnic groups: ChineseOther ethnic groups: Any other
Child's school (if applicable)
Add another child
MaleFemaleNon-binaryPrefer not to say
Child's gender MaleFemaleNon-binaryPrefer not to say
Additional children's details
Please give brief reasons why you are contacting SeeSaw e.g. advice re recent bereavement, support for expected bereavement, general information
What is your first/main language?
Why are we asking about your ethnicity and languages you speak? SeeSaw uses this information to check that the service we provide is being accessed by all ethnic and community groups represented in Oxfordshire, and it helps us be aware of any communication support needed. We will regularly review this data to ensure that our service is relevant, accessible and appropriate to all and make changes if we become aware it is not.
To help us give advice and keep in contact with you we need to record and store some information about you and your family. Can you confirm you are happy to go ahead on this basis?
For more information on how we store your information you can read our Privacy Policy here