“Giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference.” – Kathy Calvin

Leaving a gift in your will

For many years SeeSaw has given every child and young person vital support when they have been bereaved, meaning they are able to face the future with hope. Your legacy will ensure each and every future child will receive support that will enable them to experience the childhood they deserve and a fulfilling future. There can be no better gift for a child.

Deciding what to leave in your Will is a personal decision that you may wish to discuss with your family and your Solicitor. Some examples of gifts are;

  • Leaving a specific sum of money. This is known as a pecuniary gift
  • Leaving a % share of your estate. This is known as a residuary gift
  • Or you may like to leave specific items. For example, you might wish to leave a piece of jewellery or shares to us. This is known as a specific gift

Leaving a gift in your will to a charity could reduce your Inheritance Tax bill. Information about the benefits of gifts in Wills can be found on the Gov.uk website.

Having a Will makes it easier for your family or friends to sort everything out when you die and ensures that your wishes are carried out how you intended.  If you do not have a solicitor you can find one here.

There’s no better time to write a Will than now. Figures show that around 54% of adults do not have a Will and 59% of parents either do not have a Will or have one that is out of date. 


How to leave your legacy

Here are the details that your Solicitor will need if you would like to leave a gift in your Will to SeeSaw:

  • SeeSaw
  • Registered address: Bush House, 2 Merewood Avenue, Oxford, OX2 8EF 
  • Registered Charity Number: 1076321

An example of wording you could use:

“I leave my / X share (s) of my residuary estate to SeeSaw, Bush House, 2 Merewood Avenue, Oxford, OX2 8EF, registered charity number 1076321, absolutely for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the treasurer or other proper officer for the time being shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.”

We're here to help

Leaving a gift in your Will to SeeSaw is a very personal and important decision and we are here to help. Our Fundraising team can offer support and guidance about your gift.

If you would like to speak to someone about your gift, please email [email protected] or call 01865 744768. We will be more than happy to help.

Thank you for considering leaving a gift in your Will to SeeSaw – this means a great deal to us.