Author: Annie Brylewska-Cooper

Finding your new normal

If lockdown has felt like a desert for some of those grieving, the prospect of measures easing might seem a shimmering oasis on the horizon—but to others, this can feel as dangerous and insubstantial as a mirage, promising more than it delivers.

Many families have told us that they have very mixed feelings about having to face the world again following a bereavement, and a protracted time spent in their ‘grief bubble’. For others, their children and young people are raring to go, whilst widowed parents are feeling more trepidation. These differences in bereavement needs can lead to conflict and misunderstanding. Most families are likely to experience a little of both.

Fortunately, with a little compassion and good communication, families can help one another understand their differing bereavement needs and step out into their ‘new normal’ at a pace that feels manageable. See below for our tips for emerging from lockdown for the whole family. 

If you have a younger child feeling anxious about re-joining a busier post-lockdown world, why not check out our Cactus Rocks activity from this week’s #makeitmonday.

Look out for our upcoming Friday #recommendedresource as well, featuring the Unworry Book by Alice James 

Further reading:

Anxiety in older young people



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